Star Wars: front II confirms Galactic Assault maps - Retrocomics

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Star Wars: front II confirms Galactic Assault maps

Star Wars: front II confirms Galactic Assault maps

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In total there area unit eleven locations out there within the game for this game mode.

During the last days the Twitter communication leaders of Star Wars: front a pair of are breaking down the list of locations of Galactic Assault mode. simply a couple of minutes past the complete mystery is over and that we understand the name of every of the eleven worlds (and house station) wherever the rebel troops, imperial and different factions can fight.

These area unit the subsequent points: Naboo, Kamino, Kashyyyk, Endor, Death Star II, Hoth, Mos Eisley, Yavin IV, Jakku, Takodana, and also the Starkiller Base. the knowledge coincides in strength with the one filtered a couple of days past in Reddit, though in this list conjointly created mention to Bespin and Crait that, for now, won't be enclosed within the galactic production.

The action and shooting game can hit the market on Gregorian calendar month seventeen for laptop, PlayStation four and Xbox, together with long hoped-for house battles in addition as a, as secure, careful story mode.

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