Mugsters is that the latest craze sponsored by Team seventeen - Retrocomics

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Mugsters is that the latest craze sponsored by Team seventeen

Mugsters is that the latest craze sponsored by Team seventeen

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Team seventeen continues to supply freelance studies with recent ideas. The last to arrive? The Finnish Reinkout study with its crazy proposal, 'Mugsters'.

And what specifically is it? Its authors outline it as associate action game and puzzles supported physics wherever it'll be necessary to rescue survivors, defeat aliens, collect crystals and, ultimately, save the globe.

It might happen for an additional game, perhaps, however looking the video we have a tendency to see that it's a awfully personal vogue to that it's troublesome to resist, partially owing to its nice sense of humor. Attentive, especially, at the instant Thelma & Louise.

'Mugsters' is planned for Steam and consoles in 2018.


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