Artifact, puzzles and the best indies of the Gamescom. All Your Blog Are Belong To Us - Retrocomics

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Artifact, puzzles and the best indies of the Gamescom. All Your Blog Are Belong To Us

Artifact, puzzles and the best indies of the Gamescom. All Your Blog Are Belong To Us

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Another week, we can not say goodbye on Friday without a new ration of All Your Blog Are Belong To Us. You know what it touches: five texts taken from other Spanish-speaking blogs and related to video games.

Start: Captain Tsubasa and football as a strategic stage - "The goals of Tsubasa, Misaki, Misugi and Hyuga, or the Wakabashi saves (Oliver Atom, Tom Baker, Andy Johnson, Mark Lenders and Benji Price respectively ) formed a generation of international players, not just Japanese, who was the target of manga and anime Captain Tsubasa (Yōichi Takahashi, 1981) .The series also created a fan base with hundreds of derivative products (as is always the case when a manga succeeds), and he fell in love with a group of children who discovered, fantasy through, the beauty of football, the most beautiful sport in the world. "

GameReport: About the video game: a first classification - "The puzzle is a very simple concept: it is an intellectual challenge and as such, it should be considered as an element of design, and not as much as a genre. , their presence can be testimonial, moderate or dominant within each system in question, and the works in whose system their presence is overwhelming or main, we usually call it puzle video games.

ion lithium: Videoclubs - "Until not too many years ago the movie rental business (videoclubs) were the order of the day. Each neighborhood had its own, where families wandered in search of the last premiere, or simply looking for a tape with which to spend the afternoon. "

Equilateral: The most interesting indians of the Gamescom 2017 - "Some jewels go unnoticed among so many launches, here is an assortment of independent video games seen in the Gamescom 2017 and that you should know. At the growing and most important European interactive art fair a space dedicated to the indies: the Indie Arena Booth. From August 22 to 26, more than 80 games were presented between first-crop, already announced and some released as Dead Cells, Black The Fall or EVERSPACE, which we have already discussed.

Zehn Games: The artifact of the video game - "What makes us excited about games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo, 2016), What Remains of Edith Finch (Giant Sparrow, 2017) Blind Forest (Moon Studios, 2015) or Ōkami (Clover Studio, 2006)? Put in this list any game that you think pertinent. What I mean is what is particular about the videoludical aesthetics that makes your experience move. "

See you in 7 days with all your blog are belong to us. Without exception

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